SEGA can Kiss my Green Ass.

Today was supposed to be special.

Brother Jobu and I have been looking forward to today for a MONTH.

Today is the day that the Incredible Hulk Game was supposed to street.

A mere 59 bucks a piece – (a scant 4 and a half gallons of gas or so) and we would have been tearing up the virtual city of NY and beating the holy green bejesus out of each other.

For weeks we have scoured the internets seeking information on this title . . .

It had everything we sought including the mother lode  – 2 PLAYER ONLINE VS MODE !

Yep. That’s what all the sites said.

Well today we booked out of a particularly crazy day at work to steal 20 minutes and purchase 2 discs full of happiness.

We stood shoulder to shoulder in Game Stop and breathed a sigh of relief that the  lazy eyed  counter jockey had not sold out . . .

But when he handed me the case I saw the sad truth . . .

No online VS Mode.  Only downloadable content.

SEGA has not released an online Hulk game today.

So “maybe” they’ll release the VS Mode in the future as a downloadable add on (probably for more money . . . ) or maybe they won’t.

Fine SEGA – Maybe we’ll buy it THEN.

Because today we walked away empty handed.

And Krozzbow laughed.


Wii got a Doctor in the house!!!!

Doctor Mario Baby.

That’s all I have to say.

Doctor Mario.

I cannot believe how fast time passes while I play that ridiculous puzzle game.

A mere 1000 Nintendo points ($10 Bucks) and I am killing viruses with an Italian plumber who apparently went to Med School at some point.

There must be a story there somewhere. I mean, if he’s a DOCTOR why is he always crawling through pipes with his idiot brother? Maybe he is not an “actual” Doctor.

Maybe he’s an underground doctor that they only call the “plumber” because he’ll fix up yer pipes. Maybe he’s a Doctor for the Nintendo Mob . . . maybe . . . not.

Hey now that I think of it, if something is going to cost 10 bucks, why not just say it’s 10 bucks.

Why do Nintendo and Microsoft feel a need to assign a point value to their software downloads and make me purchase their currency as if I have traveled to some virtual duty free shop . . .

Only Sony charges actual US currency for downloading software from their online Sony Shop.

Which leads me to wonder, who is paying for gamer pictures? Seriously. Are you willing to pay for a picture that gets assigned to your gamer tag? Why? Are you paying for THEMES too?

That should be free. Game companies should pay ME for using their logo or charachter as a tatoo of my online identity. It’s advertising for THEM. I don’t gain any notiriety because I have a Gears Of War logo next to my name . . .

I only use the free ones. And only the really goofy free ones. Currently I am using a guy in a top hat that has something to do with Dr. Pepper. I couldn’t tell you what.

So that’s all I have to say for now. Wii Fit, Mario Kart, Dr. Mario – This week is all about Nintendo and frankly it’s about time. They’ve been skating by on Wii Sports for too long . . .

Tommorow I’ll tell ya about the fight I had at Target over a scratched Mario Kart disc . . . That right there is what we in the business call a cliffhanger!

What the heck happened to me ?

Played Xbox last night for the first time in 15 days.

Suddenly I suck.

Playing the The Iron Man game on PS3 and working on my house instead of my gamerscore has turned me into a worthless bag of meat in Rainbow 6 / Vegas2.

For the love of Pete – Krazy Ivan did better than me !

Obviously I need to prioritize.


Oh well, hopefully this weekend I’ll be able to get the rust out . . .  

I ain’t going back to Murdertown . . .

Rainbow 6 Vegas 2
Terrorist Hunt
Realistic Difficulty

I got my ass handed to me.
I got dejected and humiliated.
I got Jobu’s back.
I got that ba$tard up the stairs.
I got mad respect for the Krozzbow.
I got 2 hours of sleep.
I got further than I thought we would.
I got my Achievement points.
I got my 60 bucks outta this game and I ain’t remotely done with it.

but I ain’t goin’ back to Murdertown.
No Way.
No Why.
No How.

So if you need someone to get your back in Murdertown…

Lose my name.

What happens on Xbox Live, stays on Xbox Live.


Stop reading my stupid blog and go get Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 for the Xbox 360.

Those of you used to killing me and my friends on Gears of War may have to find new targets for a while because right now the plan is for myself and my bad @$$ gaming buds to kick it Ninja Style on the new Rainbow Six game hitting shelves in the morning.

So if you see me or Brother Jobu or Krozzbow or KrazyIvan75 bleeding to death on a Casino Roulette table this week, stop by and say hello.

I’ll be the one covered in bullets.

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Game


This game is great.

There I said it.

I don’t like Sports games and I don’t care for Massive Multiplayer Experiences. I don’t like flight simulators and I am not a HUGE fan of driving games (Though I do really enjoy Need for Speed Most Wanted) I tend to play mostly games like Halo and Gears of War. I also like the occasional puzzle game (Tetris, Zuma, etc.)

Spiderman – Friend or Foe is not any of those things. It is a side (sorta) scroller Fighting game, the likes of which the Super Nintendo used to have by the dozen.

I see alot of reviews online dissing it for this very reason. I LOVED Super Nintendo and so I have not the slightest issue with this game reminding me of it.

As a matter of fact, I have missed games like this lately. The Lego Star Wars games come close, but this really feels like an “old fashioned” (if the 80’s can be considered old fashioned) video game with updated graphics.

You know, not EVERY game has to be photo realistic with blood pouring from every corner to be GOOD.

This one is loads of fun and sometimes that’s all I need. (Especially for $30 bucks used!!!)

It has a multiplayer co-op mode that lets the second player drop in and out at will. This is just like the Lego Star Wars set up and is great if you are playing with a little kid ( or for that matter a big one) who can’t get past a certain obstacle.

Just a ridiculous amount of fun for 30 bucks and MUCH better than the Spiderman 3 game. 
Or for that matter the Spiderman 3 movie.  But THAT is a story for a different day . . . 

How I’ll spend my summer vacation . . .


Like every other american child born in the early seventies I’m a sucker for any game or dvd that releases into the wild with the Star Wars logo on it.

The Force Unleashed is coming out this summer for Xbox and PS3.

If it has multi player I’m going Xbox. (XBOX LIVE is just MUCH better and I only have one friend on PS3 – Such a lonely system . . .)

If it’s single player I’ll be picking up the PS3 version.


One major life decision down, 3,467 to go.

Oh – and I can’t wait until I inevitably have to buy all 6 Star Wars Movies on Blu Ray for like $12, 000.00

Star Wars is a disease.

My wife is gonna divorce me.
